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Free Online Resources
We want our students to have all the necessary resources available online to have an easy and comfortable learning process that can facilitate students and parents the learning process.
Learn English or other languages online with the help of this free online resources from English Teachers Tokyo.
You will find lots of vocabulary, spelling, listening activities and conversation exercises.
We also have a TOEIC exam practice section.
Our websites offer free-to-use exercises and video lessons for adults, business professionals, parents and kids.
We support learners of English in improving their knowledge and command of the language, whatever their age, level or reason for learning.
Resources include general topics depending on the student level for self study that hava a free open access.
Please come back frequently for regular updates on the latest exercises and videos. *Click here to join our mailing list , never miss an update.
You can contact us if you have a question or want to report any problems.
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*Click the Links below for more English language exercises and videos
*Click the Links below for more French language exercises and videos
*Click the Links below for more Portuguese language exercises and videos
*Click the Links below for more Spanish language exercises and videos
Our Courses
*For more information about the course of your choice and the course fees, please refer to the individual course page above.

© 2021 by English Teachers Tokyo